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Transition is an inevitable part of life. Some transitions are chosen, others are given to us. Some are major and some are minor. Some feel good and some feel bad. But no matter what, all transitions (changes) can be difficult.
Knowing how to deal with every type of transition in your life from a highly conscious perspective means not just surviving the change, but thriving….leaving you excited and energized for what lies ahead.
Participants will create a personalized Success Formula that can be applied to all current and future transitions they experience and will be provided a free tool to use for measuring your performance energy in the moment.
Learning objectives:
Candi Broeffle is a certified professional coach and owner of Composure Executive Coaching specializing in Core.E Dynamics coaching. Recently she became the co-publisher of Natural Awakenings Magazine, a monthly publication that focuses on green, healthy, and sustainable life choices. Candi understands transitions: starting a business; changing careers; becoming an empty nester; caring for dying loved ones; she’s been through many transitions throughout her life. Seeking to find a more effective way of dealing with these transitions, she systematically sought the knowledge and skills necessary to do so. Now she has taken the best of what she’s learned and developed specialized coaching programs to help others lead healthier and more satisfying lives.
When: Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Where: LHB Studio 4 Room (take elevator to the 4th floor) 21 West Superior Street, Suite 500 Duluth, MN 55802 Hourly parking available in the Technology Village Ramp
Time: Networking and Lunch 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Program 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Cost: $20.00 for Members $30.00 for Non-members $10.00 for Students
** A big thank you to our meeting space sponsor, LHB!
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© Lake Superior ATD Chapter PO Box 7 Duluth, Mn