Hooked on Happiness
Presented by Jeanne Kermeen
According to our country’s Declaration of Independence, the “pursuit of Happiness” is one of our unalienable rights. So, the big question is: "Are you happy or are you just pursuing happiness?" In this session you will get an overview of the science behind the study of happiness, why happiness is so important, how happiness is measured, and some practical ways you can increase happiness in your own life.
Upon completion of the presentation, participants will:
Receive an overview of the science behind the study of happiness
Learn how happiness is measured
Discover ways to increase happiness in your own life
This trending topic is offered by Jeannie Kermeen and sponsored by your ATD Chapter: Jeannie Kermeen is the Director of Customized training at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. She is a coach and trainer whose passion is to inspire, empower, and enable talented people realize and achieve their goals and perform at their best. Jeannie received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of St. Mary’s in Minneapolis and her professional coaching certification through the International Coaching Academy (accredited by the International Coaching Federation). She is a certified StrengthsFinder© facilitator and provides a wide variety of training related to the Gallup Organization’s StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment and enjoys helping others discover how to “play to their strengths.” Jeannie is also a certified facilitator for Development Dimensions International (DDI) and provides a variety of training targeted towards the development of strong leaders and front-line workers.
WHEN: Tuesday, February 17, 2015
WHERE: Duluth City Hall, 411 W. 1st Street, Room 332
TIME: Program and Lunch 11:30 am -1:00 pm
COST: $15.00 for Members $25.00 for Non-members